Welcome to Advanced Preventive Medicine

Welcome to Advanced Preventive Medicine. We are an integrative and preventive medical office. We focus on pre-early detection with our advanced focus of proactive early prevention! We provide a professional-trained staff for a multilevel approach to health. We put great value on personal relationships with our patients. Whether at the reception desk or in the examination room.

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Meet the Practitioner

Dr. Douglas Weeks

Douglas Weeks, M.D. has 20 years’ experience in emergency medicine as a board-certified physician and director, also 9 years in occupation medicine and 15 years in preventive medicine. In that time, he has found that preventive medicine complements what is available today. After observing the suffering that could have easily been prevented by simple measures, he was overwhelmed by an intense desire to give people the tools to take charge over their own health.

Advanced Preventive Medicine 10749 Pearl Rd,
Suite A-1
Strongsville, OH 44136 US

PHONE: (330) 777-4420 Fax: (216) 920-4445